

The Controller is react-spring's heart. All primitives use it internally (including hooks). If you dislike render-props, and maybe hooks are too radical for you, then perhaps this is what you are looking for as it gives you full manual control without having to worry about loose-end animation handles. The api is very similar to the useSpring hook.

import { Controller, animated } from 'react-spring'

class Test extends React.Component {
  state = { show: true }
  animations = new Controller({ opacity: 0 })

  toggle = () => this.setState((state) => ({ show: ! }))

  render() {
    const props = this.animations.update({ opacity: ? 1 : 0 })
    return (
        <button onClick={this.toggle}>click</button>
        <animated.div style={props}>I will fade</animated.div>


each((spring, key) => void): void

Call a function once per spring value.

controller.each((spring, key) => (key === 'opacity' ? spring.set(1) : spring.set(0)))

get(): T

Get the current values of our springs.

const springValues = controller.get()

pause(): this

Freeze the active animation in time.


pause(keys): this

Freezes some of the spring animations in time.

contoller.pause(['opacity', 'color'])

resume(): this

Resumes the active animation.


resume(keys): this

Resumes some of the paused spring animations.

contoller.resume(['opacity', 'color'])

set(values): void

Set the current values without animating.

contoller.set({ opacity: 1, color: 0x0000ff })

start(): Promise<AnimationResult>

Start the queued animations for every spring, and resolve the returned promise once all queued animations have finished or been cancelled.


start(props): Promise<AnimationResult>

When you pass a queue (instead of nothing), that queue is used instead of the queued animations added with the update method, which are left alone.

controller.start({ opacity: 1, color: 0x0000ff })

stop(): this

Stop all animations.


stop(keys): this

Stop animations for the given keys.

contoller.stop(['opacity', 'color'])

stop(cancel, keys): this

Cancel animations for the given keys.

contoller.stop(true, ['opacity', 'color'])

update(props): this

Push an update onto the queue of each value.

contoller.update({ opacity: 1, color: 0x0000ff })


get idle(): boolean

Returns true when both:

  • the current phase is anything but ACTIVE
  • no async to prop is active

Put simply, it's true when not animating.

get item(): any

Returns the item the Controller is associated with. You probably don't need to use this much.

This is used only in the useTransition hook & Transition render-props component.

set item(item): void

Sets the item the Controller is associated with. You probably don't need to use this much.

This is used only in the useTransition hook & Transition render-props component.

queue: SpringUpdate<T>[]

The queue of pending updates.

Call .start() to flush the queue.

ref?: SpringRef<T>

The injected ref. When defined, render-based updates are pushed onto the queue instead of being auto-started.

springs: SpringValues<T>

The animated values