

import { Transition, animated } from 'react-spring'

An animated TransitionGroup. Feed it your items and lifecycles. Whenever items are added or removed, it will animate these changes.

You can transition arrays

Toggle between components

Mount/Unmount single-component reveals

The transition function accepts a callback that receives four arguments: the animated values, the item, the Transition object, and the sibling position.

It returns a React fragment containing every element returned by your callback. As you might assume, elements in the middle of their leave animation need to remain mounted.

All elements in the fragment are guaranteed to have a key prop, whether or not you define one explicitly. Unkeyed elements will use the from their Transition object.

For every unique item key, there exists a Transition object. The only time you have access to a Transition object is when it's passed as the 3rd argument of your transition callback.

// The `t` argument is a Transition object.
// The `i` argument is the sibling position.
const elems = transition((style, item, t, i) => <a.div style={style}>{t.phase}</a.div>)


All properties of the shared-api apply.

initialobj/fnInitial (first time) base values, optional (can be null)
fromobj/fnBase values, optional
enterobj/fn/array(obj)Styles apply for entering elements
updateobj/fn/array(obj)Styles apply for updating elements (you can update the hook itself with new values)
leaveobj/fn/array(obj)Styles apply for leaving elements
trailnumberDelay in ms before the animation starts, adds up for each enter/update and leave
resetbool/fnPrefers the initial prop over the from prop.
keysarray/functionsee keys for more information
keysingle itemonly use if you're passing a single item to useTransition see keys for more information
expiresbool/numberlets you control when removed items are unmounted (after their leave animation has finished) see expires for more information
sortfnuseful shortcut for slicing and sorting your items array before passing it to the useTransition hook


Every Transition object has a unique key that identifies it. You have the option of defining explicit keys or letting the "item" (the value represented by the Transition object) be its own key.

To define explicit keys, you must define the keys prop in your useTransition props. For example, when using an items array, the new keys prop can be:

  • an array of keys
  • or a mapping function that returns a key for any item given to it.
useTransition(items, {
  // Using a function
  keys: (item) => item.key,
  // Using an array created by
  keys:, 'key'),

āš ļø You must use explicit keys for any item that is an immutable object.

Using explicit keys for mutable objects is unnecessary. šŸ„³

If you're passing a single item to useTransition, you have the option of passing a single key as the key prop.

useTransition(item, {
  key: item.key,


The expires prop lets you control when removed items are unmounted (after their leave animation has finished). By default, unmounting is postponed until the next render or until all transitions are resting.

When true or <= 0, the default behavior is used.

When false, items are never unmounted.

When > 0, this prop is used in a setTimeout call that forces a rerender if the component that called useTransition doesn't rerender on its own after an item's leave animation is finished.

Finally, the expires prop can be a function that receives an item and returns any of the values mentioned above.


The sort prop is a function that takes two items, returns -1 when the 1st item should appear first, and returns 1 when the 2nd item should.

It's a useful shortcut for slicing and sorting your items array before passing it to the useTransition hook.

// v8
useTransition(items.slice().sort(props.sort), null, props)

// v9
useTransition(items, {
  sort: (a, b) => { ... },

Additional notes

Multi-stage transitions

The initial/from/enter/update/leave lifecycles can be objects, arrays or functions. When you provide a function you have access to individual items. The function is allowed to return plain objects, or either an array or a function for multi-stage transitions. When you provide a plain array you also can form a basic multi-stage transition (without access to the item).

useTransition(items, {
  enter: (item) => [{ opacity: item.opacity, height: item.height }, { life: '100%' }],
  leave: (item) => async (next, cancel) => {
    await next({ life: '0%' })
    await next({ opacity: 0 })
    await next({ height: 0 })
  from: { life: '0%', opacity: 0, height: 0 },

Transitioning between routes

const location = useLocation()
const transitions = useTransition(location, { ... })
return transitions((props, item) => (
  <animated.div style={props}>
    <Switch location={item}>
      <Route path="/a" component={A} />
      <Route path="/b" component={B} />
      <Route path="/c" component={C} />